
RandNET Summer School and Workshop on Random Graphs

From 22nd to 30th August 2022 the RandNET Summer School and Workshop on Random Graphs will take place in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The workshop will also function as the Kick-off event for the RandNET program. The main goal of this event is two-fold: to serve as a meeting point between the members of the network and to facilitate new international collaborations between junior researchers. The program will include four mini courses delivered by Tom Hutchcroft, Mihyun Kang, Grégory Miermont, Minmin Wang, as well as several invited/contributed talks. The organising committee is formed by Serte Donderwinkel (Oxford), Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford), Remco van der Hofstad (TUE), and Joost Jorritsma (TUE).

Visit the official webpage of the workshop for further information. 

RandNET Workshop on Graph Limits and Networks

From 13th to 16th September 2023 the RandNET Workshop on Graph Limits and Networks will take place in Prague, Czech Republic. The event is organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, at the Malá Strana Campus. The main goal of this event is to bring together the researchers of the RandNET network, and we expect around 30 participants. There will be a limited number of grants to support the attendance of early career researchers outside the network.

Visit the official webpage of the workshop for further information. 

Randomness and Learning on Networks Programme at IMPA

Week 1 -  Workshop on Randomness and Learning on Networks - July 29th to August 2nd, 2024

The first week of the event will consist of a short focused workshop consisting of:

  • plenary talks by leading experts in the field;
  • a selection of contributed talks
  • a minicourse at the MSc/early PhD level in discrete Probability;
  • a minicourse on Statistics for networks especially aimed at students with a strong mathematical background;
  • plenty of open problem/collaborative work sessions.

Week 2 to 5 - Extended Program ,August 5th to August 30th, 2024

The extended program gives researchers in discrete Probability, Statistics and related areas the opportunity to visit IMPA for a full month, while taking part in a loosely structured and related set of activities. The weekly schedule will consist of

  • talks by participating researchers (to be scheduled once their dates are confirmed);
  • the second part of the minicourse in discrete Probability from week 1;
  • minicourses in Statistics aimed at PhD students with a strong mathematical background;
  • collaborative work and open problem sessions.

Visit the official webpage of the workshop for further information.