
List of papers obtained from the collaborative efforts within the project.

  • Q. Lutz (Nokia Bell Labs), É. de Panafieu (Nokia Bell Labs), A. Scott (U. Oxford) and M. Stein (U. Chile). Active clustering for labeling training data. NeurIPS 2021. 

  • E.-M. Hainzl (TUWien), É. de Panafieu (Nokia Bell Labs), Tree walks and the spectrum of random graphs, Aofa 2024.

  • G. Perarnau (UPC) and G. Santos (U. Chile). Random lifts of very high girth and their applications to frozen colourings. DMD 2024.

  • M. Gösgens (TUE), L. Lüchtrath (Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics), E. Magnanini (Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics), M. Noy (UPC), É. de Panafieu (Nokia Bell Labs), The Erdős-Rényi Random Graph Conditioned on Every Component Being a Clique. Submitted. arXiv:2405.13454

  • N. Broutin (Sorbonne Universite), L. Devroye (McGill), G. Lugosi (UPF), and R. Imbuzeiro Oliveira. Subtractive random forests, ALEA, Volume XXI, pages 575–591, 2024. 

  • L. Addario-Berry (McGill), L. Devroye (McGill), G. Lugosi (UPF), and V. Velona (UPF). Broadcasting on random recursive trees. Annals of Applied Probability, 32(1):497-528, 2022. 

  • L. Addario Berry (McGill), S. Briend (Paris-Saclay, CNRS), L. Devroye (McGill), S. Donderwinkel (Groningen), C. Kerriou (Köln), G. Lugosi (UPF). Random friend trees, Submitted. arXiv:2403.20185

  • L. Addario-Berry (McGill), G. Lugosi (UPF), R. Imbuzeiro Oliveira (IMPA)The top eigenvalue of uniformly random trees, Submitted. arXiv:2403.08443

  • S. Briend (UPF), G. Lugosi (UPF), R. Imbuzeiro Oliveira (IMPA). On the quality of randomized approximations of Tukey's depth, Submitted. arXiv:2309.05657